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Project discussion notes

Virtual meeting #3

Team theme, tentative area of interest, or question:

The Tree-mendous Smaulder Squad enjoyed meeting each other virtually before the hackathon. It seems like we have a mix of interests from forest diversity, disruptive events, to supporting software development.

Day 1: March 12, 2024 - CU Boulder

Selected scientific question:

How do wildfire and insect outbreaks influence the recovery of aboveground forest carbon stocks in Colorado’s high elevation, subalpine (9,000 to 11,500 feet) forests.

Rationale: Most previous research focusing on post disturbance has focused on low-elevation, ponderosa pine or mixed conifer forests. We chose to look up in elevation towards an area with less research that holds a lot of significance. Spruce fir forests store large amounts of carbon in Colorado and are susceptible to many kinds of insects and disease and wildfire risk.

Day 1 Notes

Day 2: March 13, 2024 - CU Boulder

Today we all resolved environment, permissions, and data access issues on cyverse. Grabbed data, filtered, and did other data pre-processing work.

Day 2 Notes

Day 3: March 14, 2024 - CU Boulder


Last update: 2024-05-09