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ESIIL Data Libraries

ESIIL has compiled additional data libraries for use at summits and hackathons. Link to those data libraries are available here, along with a summary of their current contents (February 2024).

General ESIIL Data Library

Our data library features a diverse range of datasets, each with its own dedicated web page. To help you get started, we provide easy-to-use R and Python code snippets for downloading and working with each dataset. For more advanced users, we also offer comprehensive tutorials and vignettes tailored to individual datasets. Explore our rich collection and unlock the power of environmental data for your research today!

Data Contents

  • EDS in Indian Country
  • Global native homelands
  • USA federal tribal reservations
  • All types of tribal land in USA
  • Solving water
  • NEON Aquatic instrument data
  • EPA water quality
  • USGS water services
  • Data librarianship
  • Public libraries survey
  • Cutting-edge remote sensing
  • NEON hyperspectral data
  • Lidar-based canopy height
  • Multispectral sentinel-2 on AWS
  • Nature-based solutions and human development
  • Open street map
  • Extreme events and hazards
  • EPA air quality data
  • Fire Event Delineation (FIRED)
  • US National Incident Management System
  • Uranium mines
  • Spatial scale
  • Spatial occurrence as points
  • Ecological forecasting
  • National Ecological Observation Network (NEON)
  • USA phenology network
  • Forecasting NEON data
  • NEON lidar after fire
  • Data harmonization
  • Data cataloged with publications
  • NEON and LTER
  • NEON lidar and organismal data
  • Food supply
  • UN Food and Agriculture
  • Social justice
  • Redlining
  • Congressional voting
  • Data science in decision making and policy
  • US Census
  • FDIC failed banks list
  • AI in environmental data science
  • WeatherBench
  • Math, modeling, statistics
  • NEON tick pathogen data
  • Everglades food network
  • Mammal primate association network
  • EDS education
  • Education statistics
  • Nonprofit explorer

MosAIc Data Library

The data library from ESIIL's MosAIc Hackathon is located here. This data library contains some similar content to the general ESIIL data library, in addition to extra resources on cloud collaboration and AI.

Data Contents

  • Flood event inventory
  • Flood event area (polygons)
  • River geography
  • River and basin features
  • NEON Lakes
  • NEON Rivers
  • EPA water quality
  • USGS Water Services
  • Global Species Occurrence
  • NEON biogeochemistry
  • Open Street Map
  • US Census
  • Remote sensing

Last update: 2024-05-09