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MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (VCF)

The MODIS VCF product is derived from the MODIS satellite. The dataset provides proportional estimates of varying cover types. This data is developed from global training data derived using high-resolution imagery. The training data and phenological metrics are used with a regression tree to derive percent cover globally. The model is then used to estimate areal proportions of life form, leaf type, and leaf longevity.

MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields (MOD44B) provides global sub-pixel estimates of three land cover components (percent tree cover; percent non-tree vegetation; and percent non-vegetated) at 250 m spatial resolution. NASA MODIS information here.

To accelerate your access to this dataset, the ESIIL team has made MODIS VCF data for the Southern Rockies available on the Cyverse data store at the below directory:


Additional MODIS data is best accessed via VSI or STAC.

Last update: 2024-05-09