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Earth Lab's Earth Data Science Free Online Tutorials

This site contains open, tutorials and course materials covering topics including data integration, GIS and data intensive science.

Available at:

NASA's ARSET Fundamentals of Remote Sensing

These webinars are available for viewing at any time. They provide basic information about the fundamentals of remote sensing, and are often a prerequisite for other ARSET trainings.

Available at:

NASA's ARSET New Sensor Highlight: ECOSTRESS

Join us for ARSET’s first lightning-style training, designed to support the high demand and interest from the applications community in new NASA Earth observing technologies that can be used to support resource management. This webinar will focus on a NASA instrument that was launched and installed on the International Space Station in Summer 2018. Designed to study terrestrial ecosystems and plant water stress from the ISS, ECOSTRESS can also be used to better understand crop health, volcanoes, urban heat, wildland fires, coastal systems, and much more.

Available at:

NASA's ARSET Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems

Hyperspectral data presents a unique opportunity to characterize specific vegetation types and biogeochemical processes across the land and oceans. Applications of hyperspectral data include plant species identification, invasive species management, assessment of phytoplankton functional types, mapping of wetlands and shallow benthic communities, and detection of harmful algal blooms (HABs). The ability of hyperspectral data to characterize chemical, physiological, and morphological traits allows decision-makers to better understand critical components of ecosystem dynamics such as invasive species encroachment, forest decline and pest infestation, and ocean dynamics. This training is also an opportunity to build capacity in a large user community prior to the launch of the highly anticipated global hyperspectral SBG mission.

Available at:

Efficient Geospatial Data Access with NASA’s AppEEARS

NASA's Application for Extracting and Exploring Analysis Ready Samples (AppEEARS) is a powerful web application and application programming interface (API) that provides intuitive access to more than 100 geospatial datasets from multiple federal agencies, including datasets at several NASA Distributed Active Archives Centers (DAACs). This webinar showcases AppEEARS and its capabilities and highlights AppEEARS resources to help simplify data access workflows using the system.

Available at:

NASA's ARSET Satellite Data for Air Quality Environmental Justice and Equity Applications

In this training, the NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) program in collaboration with the Health and Air Quality Science Team (HAQAST) Tiger Team on Satellite Data for Environmental Justice, will demonstrate how remotely-sensed environmental indicators, specifically for air pollution, can be paired with demographic data to understand disproportionate exposures among minoritized and marginalized population subgroups. This training will consist of three two-hour sessions and be held online. The first session will provide an introduction to how satellite data have been used in environmental justice (EJ) applications. The second session will focus on satellite remote sensing of air quality, emphasizing aspects of environmental justice related to air pollution exposure. Finally, the third session will have interactive exercises combining satellite and demographic data with EJSCREEN and Python. The primary focus of this training is on environmental justice issues in the United States, with some additional examples from around the world.

Available at:

Last update: 2024-06-14