Group 10 -- Humanitarian responses to natural disasters¶
Provocative question
How can real-time data inform humanitarian responses to natural disasters?
Project Name: Big Disaster|Localized Action|(Big Data 9-1-1)
Project Question: How can we use big data to inform more comprehensive localized disaster response?
• Community Profile
o Infrastructure
o Land use
o Demographics + Vulnerability
• Hazard/Environmental Data
o Weather data
o Fuel Condition
o Topography
• Near real time data sources
o Remote sensing
o Social media
o Incident reporting
• What worked well for your team?
o Whiteboard brainstorming
o Having some facilitator help (Max, Ty, and Lise) SME expertise
o Focusing in on an idea by detailed discussion
o Team size being smaller
• What’s one thing you would change?
o One thing that could help in the future, is having a location where participants can identify certain facilitators with subject matter expertise to aid if a group gets stuck.
• Did we have an “ah-ha” moment?
o Not too much but focusing on a smaller more manageable task, and still ideate on the future state real time analysis.
• Did we experience the groan zone?
o With a smaller group of 4 people it allows for less time in the groan zone and easier understanding of the problem. We started out with way too large of a scope, and with a smaller group it allowed us to narrow that scope into a manageable chunk.
- Census Blocks – US Census Bureau
- Building Footprints – Microsoft/OSM
- Burn Probability – US Forest Service
- Property Counts - BUPR
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