TEAM ACTIVITY 3: Share Your Progress¶
Use this time to prepare for the final report back, where you'll share an interesting result/outcome from your project and discuss potential future plans.
Day 3 Report Back¶
Select one or more people from your group to give a final report back. You will share this page on the screen as your presentation. Presentations should be no longer than 4 minutes.
- Team: Snowbirds
- Project Title:
- Running Uphill: Long-Term Costs of Sunbelt Migration
- Research Question:
- What are the aggregate costs to sustain habitable arid ecosystems under climate change?
One interesting graphic/finding:
- Population and Temperature for Arizona Counties
- Population and Temperature for Arizona Counties
Something we learned:
- Migration is related to the total effective environment, but how a changing physical environment changes the combined socionatural system is unknown.
- In environmental science there is a commitment to monitoring the earth system to understand its dynamics and how it is changing. The same cannot be said for agencies that collect social data at large scales. The census bureau, for example, takes snapshots of the US using a different survey each time, so harmonizing data across censuses is often challenging.
- What are you thinking about doing next with your team? Long-term, short-term?
- We are all interested in continuing the project; logistics unknown
- Short-term: finish comparing the demographic, temperature, precipitation, and agricultural data
- Long-term: international and domestic migration flows; comparative study of cold US city (Minnesota)
- What’s missing: what resources, people, data sets, etc. does your team need?
- Resources: logistical support, time, funding (e.g., stipend for grad students and postdocs); especially having a team leader who can take on the facilitator responsibility
- Data: electricity use per capita; air conditioners per household; farm subsidies; interbasin water transfers; international and domestic migration (annual and county scales, over 30+ years for comparability); proprietary data (e.g., private wells)
- People: Migration and environmental justice scholars
There is the opportunity for groups to continue working on their projects as an ESIIL Working Group. If you love your team and want to continue working together, considering submitting a Working Group Application this fall. See the ESIIL website for more information:
Thank you for participating in the 2024 ESIIL Innovation Summit!!