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Group 3 -- Biodiversity resilience to climate change

Project Title: Blip Hunterz

Question: In what ways can monitoring and decision-making enhance biodiversity resilience to climate change? Specifically: How can we quantify biodiversity resilience to extreme events/changing climate? E.g., using what metrics, looking at different events, locations, management strategies. Potential follow up Q: How is resilience impacted by restoration efforts following disturbance?

decision-making: where to focus mgt, restoration, and conservation efforts

identify suitable biodiversity data soruces * leveraging long term data (e.g., LTER, LTAR, FIA, IMP - NPS inventory, BLM- AIM), including the long-term experiments, citizen science data * bird breeding atlas * what are the key climate variables as proxies of climate change? * to inform decision-making and making policies towards env mgt such as ecological restoration, for instance, wetland and forest restoration for increased resilience * Use WorldClim data - space for time substitution, to identify areas where climate has changed the most, which areas has changed the most * Quantifying a biodiversity resilience - how quickly can biodiversity return to the historical avg. * use alpha diveristy-based biodiversity indices and measure how much that change over time from the baseline in response to climate change

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Last update: 2024-05-20