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TEAM ACTIVITY Day 1: Make a plan


Work through the prompts in order. Please use a decision-making method “to decide” before moving to a new section of the activity.

Day 1 Objectives

  1. Get to know your group members.
  2. Decide on a research question and project title.
  3. Start exploring potential datasets.

Introductions (approx. time: 10 mins total or "1-2 breaths" per prompt)

Please share the following information about yourself. Each team member should type their response in the space below (create more as needed).

  • Name: Colleen Miller
  • Pronouns: she/her
  • Expertise: Sensory ecology, ecological data science, biological control of pests, animal physiology
  • Environmental Data Science Superpower: Broad organismal expertise; experience working with experimental, observational and open data
  • Reflection on Polarities Exercise: I don't like polarities, but I do have a quiet voice!

  • Name: Pablo Moreno-García
  • Pronouns: He/Him/His
  • Expertise: Ecological networks, pollination, data science, functional ecology
  • Environmental Data Science Superpower: Experience field work and open data, work on interaction networks, programming skills
  • Reflection on Polarities Exercise: I like it, besides the complexities and seeming contradictions, there seem to be similarities among people

  • Name: (Grant) Yu Liu
  • Pronouns: He/Him/His
  • Expertise: species invasions, species assembladges, data science, biogeography
  • Environmental Data Science Superpower: Field work experience, coding in R, solving questions in the context of ecology
  • Reflection on Polarities Exercise: NA

  • Name: Yahn-Jauh (YJ) Su
  • Pronouns: He/Him/His
  • Expertise: ecosystem ecology, carbon cycle
  • Environmental Data Science Superpower: Eddy Covariance data treatment, statistics and models in R
  • Reflection on Polarities Exercise: [Share one thing you observed about yourself]

  • Continue adding more team members following the same format, with a line break after each person.

Research Question: Innovation for Inclusion or Computation (approx. time: 5-10 mins)

Write the research question your team selected in the space below. Feel free to revise the original question.

  • [Insert research question here]

Project Title (approx. time: 5-10 mins)

Craft a catchy title for your team’s project. Think of something that would grab attention at a conference or in a headline.

  • [Insert title here]

Promoting Resilience and Adaptation

Describe how your proposed project aligns with the Summit's themes of resilience and adaptation. Please provide 1-2 sentences that clearly connect your project's goals or methods to these themes.

We sketched out how climate change (1) influences function traits/functions (2) which influences species interactions (3)

Some species interactions we discussed: - predator-prey ints. in insects - plant-pollinator interactions - interspecies int. among plants - herbivory - seed dispersal - cicades, plant biomass, and predators

Aspects of climate change: - Approaches - temporal data (lt. vs. syn) - space for time - time for time - modeled - alt. for time

Some whiteboarded topics (what is resilience): - resilience of interactions - network connectivity types - species function (e.g. pollination) -> which functions are lost/retained? - Recovery after disturbance

Choosing Big Data Sets

Explore potential data sets for your project's topic from the data library. List your options below, organizing them by whether they represent the system you're studying (e.g., deciduous forests) or the disruption to it (e.g., wildfire). Then discuss your choices and indicate your final selections.

List of data sets from 5/14: - NEON species occurrence - Seed dispersal data (Grant) - Web of life (spatially explicit, spp. itneraction data) Web of Life - Globi (synthetic, timestamped) GloBI - [IWDB] ( - iNaturalist - eBird - LTER trove - eltontraits - flux towers - pollinator types (Grant)

Draft Potential Data Sets

  • System Being Perturbed/Disrupted:
    • [List all potential data sets here]
  • Perturbator/Disrupter:
    • [List all potential data sets here]

Final Choice

  • System Being Perturbed/Disrupted (Final Choice):
    • [Indicate your final selected data set here]
  • Perturbator/Disrupter (Final Choice):
    • [Indicate your final selected data set here]

Brief Check-in: Definition of Resilience (approx. 5 mins)

Below is a working definition of the word "Resilience" for the Summit. Please edit the definition below based on your earlier discussion and chosen project.

"Resilience is the capacity of a system, community, organization, or individual to absorb stress, recover from disruptions, adapt to change, and continue to develop and thrive."

  • [Edit or reaffirm this definition here]

Day 1 Report Back

Select one representative from your group to present your proposed project. For the report back, each group will have 30-60 seconds to present their responses to the questions below. Keep it concise and focused. This is just a quick oral presentation - you will not be able to use slides/images.

  • Project Title:
  • [Insert your team's project title here]
  • Research Question:
  • [Insert your team's refined research question here]
  • Selected Data Sets:
  • [List the data sets your team has chosen to use here]

Last update: 2024-05-16