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TEAM ACTIVITY 2: Innovate as a Team

Welcome back! We hope today is a productive day getting to know your team and coding.

Day 2 summary:

Please complete the warm-up with your team, briefly review today’s objectives, and carefully read the Day 2 and Day 3 report out items to guide your efforts.

Objectives for Day 2

  1. Work together to decide on the data sets you will use. Reminder: Use a decision-making technique discussed during Day 1. Kaner’s Gradient of Agreement is below for reference.
  2. Practice joining your datasets together.
  3. Discuss and try creating interesting graphics.
  4. Report back on your results at the end of the day. Today’s report back is short and focused on your team process. The Day 3 report back is more detailed.

Morning Warm-up

Please share the following informaton with your team. (No need to write down your responses this time) - Name - Pronouns - Reflecting on Day 1, what is something that surprised you?


Use the gradient of agreement (Kaner 20214) to make decisions as a team.

Gradients of agreement

Day 2 Report Back

Day 2 report-back questions are about the team process. We are interested in your team’s unique experience. Below are some prompts you might consider. You don't need to address all of them - choose which ones you want to present. Please limit your reflection to 2-3 mins.

  1. What worked well for your team? Diverse array of perspectives within same organism models allowed for easy flow of ideas.
  2. What’s one thing you would change? More time in the group especially on the first day. An hour on day one was not enough time to flush out a question we were all comfortable with.
  3. Did your group ever have an “ah-ha” moment? What led up to that moment? Not yet! Expecting to get there once we have some data to work with more consistently!
  4. Did your group experience the groan zone? What is one tip you want to share with future groups at the Summit about getting through the groan zone?
    • We feel that divergence and the groan zone both occured on the first day. We struggled to get off the ground and figure out what we wanted to do. Once we had a night to think about it the ideas were flowing well this morning. We anticipate the groan zone reappearing as we have had some issues accessing data already.

Looking Ahead: Day 3 Report Back

These are the prompts for the final Report Back tomorrow (Day 3) - start thinking about these questions as you work today. Each group will share their Day 3 GitHub page on the screen and give a 4 minute presentation.

  • Project Title: The role of plant functional traits in predicting niche expansion vs stability of invasive species under climate change in Colorado and Wyoming
  • Project Question Do functional traits mitigate invasive species niche expansion in a warming climate?
  • One interesting graphic/finding: Using niche overlapping to compare niche stability vs niche expansion for current and future climate data, and seeing what functional traits may facilitate niche stability/ expansion in the future.


  • What are you thinking about doing next with your team? Long-term, short-term? Applying for an ESIIL working group or CO-WY engine funding to continue. We did not have enough time to come up with results but we feel that we have a solid plan that could be continued to be worked on. We created a slack channel and have decided to meet again in June. Once this work is completed there is the option to continue working on this project to look at community weighted trait mean data to see how the current CO-WY communities may be affected by potential invasion under climate change.

  • What’s missing: what resources, people, data sets, etc. does your team need? Local expertise in invasive/native species in the region.


There is the opportunity for groups to continue working on their projects as an ESIIL Working Group. If you love your team and want to continue working together, considering submitting a Working Group Application this fall. See the ESIIL website for more information:

Last update: 2024-05-16