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TEAM ACTIVITY 3: Share Your Progress


Use this time to prepare for the final report back, where you'll share an interesting result/outcome from your project and discuss potential future plans.

Day 3 Report Back

Select one or more people from your group to give a final report back. You will share this page on the screen as your presentation. Presentations should be no longer than 4 minutes.

Summer Research Technician -- will assign period pay Figure 1. AI Generated Conceptual Figure

  • Project Title: Shades of Resilience: Evaluating the effects of land use and land cover on social and ecological resilience:

  • Research Question: How do land uses and management strategies relate socioenvironmental vulnerability indices in California? (case study)

  • Figures: Figure 2. Scatterplot depicting the relationship between environmental (biodiversity & climate resilience indices) and social vulnerabilities. Color by county.


Figure 3: Scatter Matrix by County: Displays the relationship between environmental (biodiversity & climate resilience indices) and social vulnerabilities.

Figure 4: ArcOnline Map []

  • What are you thinking about doing next with your team? Long-term, short-term?

    • [Short Term:] Add more data, continue to clean, and produce final dataset
    • [Long Term:] Continue to meet as a group, ideally produce a paper.
  • What’s missing: what resources, people, data sets, etc. does your team need?

    • Adding data and other variables: -- social data: income, other vulnerability indices vs raw data -- ecological data: NDVI, ET, VPD, etc


There is the opportunity for groups to continue working on their projects as an ESIIL Working Group. If you love your team and want to continue working together, considering submitting a Working Group Application this fall. See the ESIIL website for more information:

Thank you for participating in the 2024 ESIIL Innovation Summit!!

Last update: 2024-05-16