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Breakout prompts & dedicated working space

Dedicated working space

Each team will have a room that has been reserved for their use at all team times. Those rooms will shift for each breakout time, shown below. However, your team is also welcome to explore the building and find other spaces that make you more comfortable or creative. For example, you may want to check out:

  • The SEEC Cafe dining area (north end of the building, lots of windows in the eating room!)
  • The SEEC lobby (both north and south)
  • The Earth Lab conference room (S340). Note that this room may sometimes be reserved by Earth Lab staff.
  • The southern end of the first floor, S148
  • Outside if it is sunny! The grass or SEEC courtyard! You are also welcome to use other rooms if they are available, but please be aware that other classes, study groups, or workshops may have reserved them and kick you out.
Day 1 Team Dedicated Space
Morning team time Team 1 S221
Team 2 S149
Team 3 C325
Team 4 S240
Team 5 Viz Studio (S372A)
Team 6 Viz Studio (S372B)
Afternoon team time Team 1 Viz Studio (S372B)
Team 2 S221
Team 3 S149
Team 4 C325
Team 5 S240
Team 6 Viz Studio (S372A)
Day 2 Team Dedicated Space
Morning team time Team 1 Viz Studio (S372A)
Team 2 Viz Studio (S372B)
Team 3 S221
Team 4 S149
Team 5 C325
Team 6 S240
Afternoon team time Team 1 S240
Team 2 Viz Studio (S372A)
Team 3 Viz Studio (S372B)
Team 4 S221
Team 5 S149
Team 6 C325
Day 3 Team Dedicated Space
Morning team time Team 1 C325
Team 2 S240
Team 3 Viz Studio (S372A)
Team 4 Viz Studio (S372B)
Team 5 S221
Team 6 S149

Breakout Prompts

For ease of access to breakout group prompts throughout the codefest.

Breakout #0: Virtual meeting #3

Introduce yourselves! Please briefly share:

  • Your preferred name and where you are currently based
  • A skill or area of expertise that you feel you are bringing to the table
  • Something you are worried about regarding the codefest
  • Something that brings you joy
  • What is a topic that you are excited to investigate for two days related to forest carbon in the Southern Rocky mountains?
  • What datasets are you excited to potentially use?

(Tuesday morning you will have ~2.5 hours to continue brainstorming, with a draft question ready by noon! So don't stress, this is just a first opportunity to get a sense of what your team is generally excited about.)

Breakout #1: Day 1 morning team time

In-person introductions

  • Who are you and why are you excited to be here?

Establish team norms

  • Note-taking and documenting the flow of ideas
  • Expectations for work outside of official event hours


  • What will your team project be for the next 2.5 days?! This should be a specific scientific question related to forest carbon in the Southern Rocky Mountains that you think is potentially answerable (at least in a very rough form) by the end of the event.
  • Think about…
    • What are you each excited about and what skills do you have around the table that can be leveraged?
    • What datasets are you familiar with and/or excited to work with? Spin up some instances and get familiar with the data!
    • Evaluation criteria (linked on the website!)

Bring back

  • One spokesperson to talk for 1 minute
  • Your specific, answerable scientific question
  • One ‘need’ that you see, whether that is help accessing an additional dataset, guidance on a dataset already available, or just your first step to get cracking

Breakout #2: Day 1 afternoon team time


  • How are you going to divide work, responsibilities, and code workflows?
  • How are you going to manage people working in different coding languages?

Take time to explore the datasets you intend to use and make sure you know how to work with and visualize them.

Map out an initial workflow. What are the steps you will need to take to get from start to 'finish'?

Begin work!

Breakout #3: Day 2 morning team time

Code, code, code!

Focus on concrete, tractable problems, and don't get sucked into unneccessary coding or debugging. Is there an easier or faster way to answer your question?

Graphics and deliverables are your friend! Demonstrate the progress you're making and remember to document what you are doing and WHY you're making the decisions you are.

Keep your repo up to date!

Breakout #4: Day 2 afternoon team time

Prepare your deliverables. What figures are necessary to tell the story of your project? What do you want in your presentation and on your team website?

Breakout #5: Day 3 morning team time

Finalize all deliverables, push them to your website & GitHub, and finalize your presentation!

Last update: 2024-03-18