Literature Reading Notes
Reference Information
- Title:
- Authors:
- Publication Year:
- Journal/Source:
- Brief summary of the main objective, research question, or thesis of the literature.
Key Findings
- Major findings or conclusions:
- Finding 1
- Finding 2
- ...
- Description of research methodology, techniques, or approaches.
- Notable tools, datasets, or analytical methods used.
Theoretical Framework
- Theoretical models or frameworks underpinning the research.
- Positioning within the broader field.
Critical Analysis
- Strengths: Well-executed aspects or convincing arguments.
- Limitations: Weaknesses, gaps, or biases.
- Insights: New understandings or perspectives gained.
Connections to Other Work
- Similarities or differences with other readings.
- Complementarity to other studies.
Quotations and Notes
- Significant quotes:
- "Quote here." - Author Name, page number
- Additional notes or comments.
Personal Reflections
- Influence on understanding or perspective.
- Potential impact on future research or studies.
Action Items
- Follow-up actions such as readings, discussions, or research activities:
- [ ] Action item 1
- [ ] Action item 2
- ...
Last update: